
热烈欢迎来到g_raldine Masson,Govindasamy Mugesh,Gon_alo Bernardes和Ratmir Derda

我们很高兴欢迎两位新成员加入我们的有机和生物分子化学新利手机客户端Editorial Board and two new members to our Advisory Board –Dr Géraldine Masson(天然物质研究所,法国)Professor Govindasamy Mugesh(Indian Institute of 新利手机客户端Science,班加罗尔印度)和Dr Gonçalo Bernardes(University of Cambridge,英国)拉蒂米尔德尔达博士(University of Alberta,加拿大)

Géraldine Masson2003年在约瑟夫傅立叶大学获得博士学位,(France),在医生的监督下。Sandrine Py和教授扬尼克·瓦尔2003-2005年,她是玛丽·居里教授的博士后研究员。Jan van Maarseveen and Prof.Henk Hiemstra at the University of Amsterdam (Holland).In 2005,she joined the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (CNRS,France) as Chargé de Recherche and was promoted to Director of Research 2nd class in 2014.她的团队的研究活动是为了开发新的有机催化对映选择性反应和新的合成方法,and photoredox catalysis and their application in the synthesis of diverse natural and unnatural molecules displaying biologically activities.

穆格斯received his B.Sc.(1990) and M.Sc.(1993) degrees from the University of Madras and Bharathidasan University,分别。He obtained his Ph.D.(1998)在印度理工学院,Bombay.他是技术大学的亚历山大·冯·洪堡研究员,不伦瑞克Germany and a Skaggs postdoctoral fellow at the Scripps Research Institute,La Jolla,美国。穆格什是国际同行评议期刊上120多篇出版物的作者。He received several awards and recognitions,which include: J.C.Bose国家奖学金,印度政府(2016年);Asian Rising Star Commemorative Plaque,Asian Chemical Congress (2013),研究员,英国皇家化学学会新利手机客户端2013)Shanti Swarup Bhtanagar奖(2012年)研究员,The National Academy of 新利手机客户端Sciences,印度(2012)阿斯利康杰出化学奖(2012年);新利手机客户端研究员,Indian Academy of 新利手机客户端Sciences (2012);斯瓦纳贾亚蒂奖学金,印度政府(2006-07)。

His research interests include:

  • 新利手机客户端chemistry of thyroid hormone metabolism,
  • development of novel therapeutics for endothelial dysfunction and neurodegenerative diseases,和
  • 生物应用纳米材料。

Gon_alo Bernardes2004年,他从里斯本大学新利手机客户端化学专业毕业,不久就搬到牛津大学,在那里完成了他的博士学位。in 2008 under the supervision of Prof.本·戴维斯。随后,他被授予玛丽·居里奖学金,与教授一起进行博士后研究。彼得HSeeberger.After a short period in Portugal working as a Group Leader at Alfama Lda.,Gon_alo搬到Eth z_rich加入教授的实验室。Dario Neri.Gonçalo started his independent research career in 2013 at the Department of 新利手机客户端Chemistry,剑桥大学获得了著名的皇家学会大学研究奖学金。Simultaneously,he founded a pioneering research unit in Chemical Pharmacology at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular in Lisbon.尽管他很小,he has published >50 papers and 5 patents.他在研究生涯中获得了许多荣誉,如2014年的欧洲青年化学家奖——银牌。and more recentlythe Chem Soc Rev Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2016 and the RSC Harrison–Meldola Memorial Prize.因为他在翻译研究方面的努力,Gon_alo被葡萄牙卫生部(MH)任命为公共卫生和医学相关服务机构。

He now spends his time between his labs in Cambridge and Lisbon,在化学与生物学的界面指导一项研究项目,重点发展用于修饰生物分子的新型化学选择性反应,新利手机客户端以及它们对理解和影响人类疾病的作用。

Ratmir Derdareceived his undergraduate degree in Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2001 and Ph.D.200新利手机客户端8年威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校化学专业,under the supervision of Laura L.Kiessling。From 2008 to 2011,he was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University working under the supervision of George M.怀特赛德斯和唐纳德E。英伯他于2011年加入阿尔伯塔大学,担任化学助理教授和阿尔伯塔糖组学中心的首席研究员。新利手机客户端

The Derda Lab centers on the development and mechanistic investigation of chemical transformations of genetically-encoded substrates.We employ genetically-encoded chemical libraries to attack unsolved problems in molecular recognition to aid the discovery of new therapeutics,biomaterials and molecular diagnostics.

Find some of their most recent RSC publications below or find out more about the other members of our Editorial and Advisory Boardshere.

奥黛丽·杜穆林,Claudia Lalli,Pascal Retailleau and Géraldine Masson
化学。公报 ,2015, 51 ,538 3-538 DOI:10.1039/C4CC08052A,通信

Aude CarboniGuillaume Dagousset,Emmanuel Magnier and Géraldine Masson
化学。公报 ,2014,50 ,14197-14200,DOI:10.1039/C4CC08052A,通信

Insights into the catalytic mechanism of synthetic glutathione peroxidase mimetics
Debasish Bhowmick和Govindasamy Mugesh
Org.Biomol.化学。 ,2015,13,10262-1027DOI:10.1039/c5ob01665g,Review Article

Debasish Bhowmick和Govindasamy Mugesh

Iminoboronates are Efficient Intermediates for Selective,快速可逆的N末端半胱氨酸功能化
H_lio faustino,玛丽亚·乔斯·席尔瓦,Luis F.VeirosGonçalo J.L.Bernardes and Pedro M.P.Gois

Natural product modulators of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels as potential anti-cancer agents
蒂亚戈·罗德里格斯,Florian Sieglitz和Gon_alo J.L.Bernardes

Phage-displayed macrocyclic glycopeptide libraries
Simon Ng和Ratmir Derda

Frédérique Deiss,杨杨,瓦迪姆湖Matochko和Ratmir Derda

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