

马蒂厄奥迪克是特文特大学的一名副教授,他的研究主题是Micro- and Nanodevices for Chemical Analysis.2011年,他在阿尔伯特·范登伯格(Albert van den Berg)的指导下获得了特文特大学(University of Twente)的电气工程博士学位,负责电化学微反应器的药物筛选和蛋白质组学应用。通过对EPFL洛桑(2012年)的各种研究访问,他扩大了自己的研究范围。哈佛Wyss学院(2013年)and MIT (2014).

The common aim of his research is to design novel devices to measure chemical quantities,在应用程序中推进边界以探索未知领域。经常,这关系到更快,或者在小体积的低浓度下进行更好的空间分辨测量。微和纳米制造技术用于增强电化学,光学或质谱读数。最终目标是创造新的,然而,在实验室或护理点应用程序中日常使用的强大工具。

Read Mathieu Odijk 's Emerging Investigator article "一种小型推拉式灌注探头,用于对小鼠大脑中的神经递质进行几秒钟的采样。“在下面的采访中了解更多关于他的信息:

How has your research evolved from your first article to your most recent Emerging Investigator article?

我对我的第一篇论文有美好的回忆,as it was also submitted to Lab on Chip and immediately accepted without revisions (only one small question from 1 of the referee's).第一篇论文的主题是研究药物代谢研究中氧化转化的电化学微反应器的设计。我们在这个问题上取得了很大的成功,现在还将其延伸到电化学氧化蛋白裂解的研究方向,and disulphide bond reduction using e.g.spectroelectrochemical means.

第一篇论文中的许多“成分”也出现在当前的项目中,如微流体,先进的洁净室制造,and analytical 新利手机客户端chemistry.这些成分也构成了我自己研究小组(用于化学分析的微型和纳米器件)重点领域的一个关键组成部分。


我的目标是推动现有分析工具在极限检测方面的界限,spatial or temporal resolution,or enhancing the number of repeats using high-throughput technology.I'm really excited about this latest paper demonstrating a miniaturized push-pull perfusion probe,因为它确实比商用探针提高了至少1个数量级的空间和时间分辨率。像这样的,这是一个很好的展示微流体可以实现什么。


I think it is really important to focus on the final application,找到好的合作伙伴。If I take this push-pull perfusion probe as example,这项研究起源于与神经科学家的讨论,他们抱怨现有的微透析探头缺乏时间信息。However,quite a number of papers that describe probes with microfluidic channels only demonstrate in-vitro results.正如我们在项目中发现的那样,在体内弥合鸿沟当然不是件小事。它需要在技术领域做出让步,如果你坚持进行体外实验,你将无法解决这个问题。

更普遍地说,我认为该领域已经成熟;芯片技术实验室已经成为实现更高目标的一种手段。在这种情况下,这个更高的目标是更详细地研究大脑中的神经化学过程。However,我认为这个项目也清楚地表明了在工程学中可以有很多科学。新利手机客户端In this case we had to overcome challenges in microfabrication,流体动力学,大众运输,蛋白质化学,新利手机客户端以及吸附动力学。


What I find really interesting is that my research is very multi-disciplinary in nature,跨越传统界限,如“化学”,新利手机客户端“物理学”,或“生物学”。However,这也构成了一个挑战,因为如果你正在探索一个新的研究领域,很容易形成一个盲点。我再次强调与这些领域的专家进行良好合作以防止早期失败的重要性。



How do you spend your spare time?

我是两个小孩的父亲,aged 1 and 4.如果他们给我留下一些空闲时间(和精力),我喜欢做木工,骑脚踏车兜风,室内攀岩。I also really like outdoors ice skating,但不幸的是,全球变暖影响了荷兰溜冰的天数。


我一直想成为一个发明家,以老师为亚军。我想成为一名科学家实际上与儿时的梦想非常接近。Any alternative profession should allow me to be able to either create new things,或者教育其他人(或者两者兼而有之)。


At various points in my tenure track,我感到表演的压力。这可能会带来压力,而且肯定会适得其反。试着不断地看到/发现科学的乐趣,新利手机客户端例如by asking your PhD students to share their Eureka moments in the lab with you.All the rest is of lesser importance.

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博士。韩伟侯现为机械及航空航天工程学院及李光强医学院助理教授。南洋理工大学Singapore.2008年和2012年,他获得新加坡国立大学生物医学工程学士(一等荣誉)和博士学位。分别。Upon graduation,他在麻省理工学院(MIT)接受博士后培训,and subsequently joined LKCMedicine at NTU as the inaugural LKCMedicine Postdoctoral Fellow in 2014.

博士。侯先生有30多篇同行评审的科学出版物,他的作品被刊登在《网络科学》(ScienceDaily,新利手机客户端科学家,癌孔和基因组网)医疗保健(新闻医学)以及科技杂志(Gizmag,Nanowerk)他曾获得多项科学奖,包括新加坡麻省理工学院研究与技术联盟(SMART)研究生奖学金(2009年)。第六届世界生物力学大会青年研究员奖(2010年)and LKCMedicine Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014).

His current research focus on developing novel microfluidics point-of-care testing,and biomimetic organ-on-chip technologies for translational diabetes and cardiovascular diseases research.(研究组网站:网址:www.hwhoulab.com)

Read Han Wei Hou's Emerging Investigator article "集成惯性阻抗细胞术用于快速无标记白细胞分离和中性粒细胞外陷阱(nets)分析“并在下面的采访中了解更多关于他的信息:

你最近发表的研究者系列论文集中在集成惯性阻抗细胞术,用于快速无标记白细胞分离和中性粒细胞胞外陷阱(nets)分析。How has your research evolved from your first article to your most recent Emerging Investigator article?

My first article when I was an undergraduate student was on the study of cancer biomechanics using microfluidics.Since then,I worked on other blood-related diseases such as malaria,脓毒症和糖尿病,and gradually became more interested towards microfluidics-enabled studies of host inflammation and immune responses in metabolic diseases.无论疾病类型如何,我们的核心理念是开发集成的无标签细胞分类和生物传感方法,使其价格低廉,快速且易于转化为临床应用。在我看来,这项工作是各方面的完美结合。


有了这篇论文,we can now use a drop of blood to assess immune heath within minutes in a single-step user operation.我们相信这部作品具有巨大的翻译潜力,and we are actively seeking new collaborators to test other diseases with immune dysfunctions.


Through this work and other recent work by our group,我们发现糖尿病白细胞具有明显的介电差异,可用于免疫健康风险分层。The next few important questions to ask is why are they different,以及我们如何进一步开发我们的技术/分析以提高预测能力。


As our work is highly interdisciplinary,the most challenging aspects are about finding the right people (collaborators,students etc.) and asking the right scientific questions (not too basic 新利手机客户端science,不要太临床化,也不要太工程化)!


MicroTAS 2019(巴塞尔)和2019年微流体与器官芯片亚洲会议(东京)

How do you spend your spare time?

Family time!现在我喜欢和我18个月大的女儿汉娜在一起,他从不取笑我,也从不让我疲劳。If time permits,我也会去看我们的深夜脱口秀!





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Emerging Investigator Series – Jessie S.珍

博士。杰西斯珍 接受了她的某人,SM,麻省理工学院机械工程博士(2008年,2010,2014)在贝丝以色列女执事医疗中心做研究员,(2014-2015).She has joined the KAIST faculty in the fall of 2015 as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.她的研究重点是微流体平台的开发,以及在生物系统研究中的应用。她计划进一步开发微流体系统,重点是流体方面,并扩大其在模拟各种器官疾病系统以及其他生物微环境方面的应用。这样做,she hopes to bridge the needs of biomedical research with the knowledge of mechanical engineering principles.

读Jessie S.杰恩的新研究者文章”产生正交浓度梯度的抗生素组合效应的芯片内表型研究and find out more about her in the interview below:


我的团队首先在基于微流体的单一抗生素测试平台上工作,在该平台上我们可以减少抗生素敏感性测试(AST)所需的时间。As we learn more about AST,we realized that recently most studies on antibiotics focus on investigation of combinatory antibiotic effects.Since microfluidic platform enables combination of multiple channels,在一个芯片中尝试结合抗生素是很自然的。


从广义上讲,我很高兴我们可以利用我们的平台来筛选个性化药物。That is to screen for patient specific therapy using microfluidic platform.The thought that our technology would contribute to enhance our lives definitely motivates me working on this topic.




作为跨学科领域的研究者,it is always challenging for me to identify meaningful biological and biomedical questions that I can address with my expertise.我认识到与临床医生和生物学家保持密切的关系是非常重要的。


我计划参加2019 Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Societyin coming October.

How do you spend your spare time?

I enjoy playing a variety of sports,mostly tennis these days,and I also try to spend more time with family on short trips whenever possible.




While I'm still in a position needing much advice from others,I would like to share my thought that if you don't give up,会有机会的。

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RSC Analytical 新利手机客户端Chemistry journals Emerging Investigator Series

我们的分析化学杂志新利手机客户端分析师,Analytical Methods Lab on a Chipare committed to early career researchers in the analytical 新利手机客户端chemistry and engineering fields.Our Emerging Investigator Series provide a platform for early career researchers to showcase their best work to a broad audience.

If you have an independent career and are within 10 years of obtaining your PhD or within 5 years of your first independent position you may be eligible for our分析师,Analytical MethodsorLab on a Chip新兴研究者系列。

分析师Emerging Investigator Series

系列编辑:Ryan Bailey,Laura Lechuga and Jaebum ChooFind out more

Analytical MethodsEmerging Investigator Series

系列编辑:菲奥娜·里根,刘若文和雷耶斯Find out more

Lab on a ChipEmerging Investigator Series

系列编辑:迪诺·迪卡洛,Yoon Kyoung Cho和Piotr GarsteckiFind out more


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J_r_Me Charmet 1998年获得瑞士HES-SO ARC颁发的微技术工程文凭。M.S.伯尔尼大学生物医学工程学位,瑞士2010,2015年获得剑桥大学博士学位。总体而言,他在工业和学术领域都工作了10多年,包括英特尔公司,爱尔兰都柏林城市大学国家传感器研究中心,the Microtechnology Institute of HES-SO Arc in Switzerland and the Centre for Misfolding Diseases of the University of Cambridge,英国。他于2016年加入沃里克大学,担任助理教授。他正在开发集成微流体平台,研究复杂流体和生物环境,并将其应用于诊断。monitoring and drug screening/discovery.Read more about his小组研究。



It has evolved quite a lot,事实上,它甚至与微流体没有直接关系!


我已经开始和一些生物学家同事一起探索芯片上的器官平台,我发现它非常迷人。但老实说,我工作的方方面面都令人兴奋。I have a great team and collaborators I really enjoy to work with on a daily basis!


In the manuscript we have used diffusional sizing to resolve the secondary structure of a complex mixture of proteins using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism,but the approach can be applied to other biomolecules with other bulk measurement techniques.我们利用层流将混合物分离成“可控制”的部分。通过测量混合物和不同的组分,we can retrieve information about each component in the mixture.




我刚回来微型计算机2018in Kaohsiung (Taiwan).下一步,I will be attending the2018年第8届英国和爱尔兰早期职业血脑屏障研讨会在牛津。

How do you spend your spare time?






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Emerging Investigator Series – Weian Zhao

博士。赵维安是一名副教授格罗斯干细胞研究中心,赵氏综合癌症中心,Department of Biomedical Engineering,and Department of Pharmaceutical 新利手机客户端Sciences at University of California,尔湾。博士。赵先生也是维洛克斯生物系统公司,贝利克斯公司,Amberstone Bio新利手机客户端sciences LLC,start-up companies that aim to develop technologies for rapid diagnosis,干细胞治疗,药物发现,分别。博士。Zhao's research aims to 1) elucidate and eventually control the fate of transplanted stem cells and immune cells to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases,2)开发新型小型化设备,用于早期诊断和监测脓毒症等疾病。antibiotic resistance and cancer.博士。赵获得了多项奖项,包括麻省理工学院的技术评论TR35奖:35岁以下的世界前35名创新者和国家卫生研究院主任的新创新者奖。博士。赵先生在山东大学完成了化学学士和理学硕士学位,2008年在麦克马斯特大学获得了化学博新利手机客户端士学位。2008-2011年期间,博士。赵是哈佛医学院人类前沿科学项目(HFSP)博士后,新利手机客户端布里汉姆女子医院和麻省理工学院。

Read Dr Zhao's Emerging Investigator article "利用单细胞液滴微流控技术筛选功能性TCR T细胞“并在下面的采访中了解更多关于他的信息:

Your recent Emerging Investigator Series paper focuses on functional TCR T cell screening using single-cell droplet microfluidics.你的研究是如何从你的第一篇文章发展到最近的这篇文章的?

I was trained as a colloidal and surface chemist.当我还是博士生的时候,我的第一篇论文是关于用DNA作为模板构建纳米结构。Over the years,我的研究朝着立即解决问题的方向发展,生物学和医学方面尚未满足的主要需求;this is achieved by developing new tools and technologies,经常采用跨学科和协作的方法,以这篇新论文为例。


这是一种观点,即我们在研究中所做的工作可以潜在地解决现实问题,并在短期内帮助患者。就像这篇新的论文所说明的,our single-cell system holds great potential to accelerate development of cancer immunotherapeutics.There is a great and urgent demand in the clinic for many more of this type of promising drugs that can benefit patients who do not have lots of time to wait.

在你看来,how can droplet microfluidic technologies contribute to immune-screening and immuno-therapy and personalised medicine in general?

液滴微流控技术和我们领域中正在开发的其他令人兴奋的单细胞系统有助于免疫筛选,免疫疗法和个性化药物显著减少了发现阶段所需的时间。例如,conventional screening platforms for immunologic agents such as antibodies or T cells,通常需要几个月到几年的时间来获得治疗候选,而新的单细胞平台可能在几天到几周内完成这一任务。In this new paper,this ability is enabled by directly interrogating the "functions" of individual cell clones in greater depth by using single-cell analysis.As biological samples are heterogeneous,this key information is often lost in conventional,基于人群的研究。


It is always the people.我花时间确定和建立一个合适的团队,once in place,can almost conquer any challenges in research itself.我也希望我能花更多的时间做研究,而不是写赠款。


IEEE EMBS医学微纳米技术2018, 癌症物理科学(GR新利手机客户端S)2019,和钉2019

How do you spend your spare time?





向那些成功完成你所要做的事情的人寻求帮助和指导。Try to accelerate your progress through collaboration and partnership.

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Kyle Bishop简介:Lab on a Chiplatest Emerging Investigator

凯尔毕肖普received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University under the guidance of Bartosz Grzybowski for work on nanoscale forces in self-assembly.博士毕业后,博士。Bishop was a post-doctoral fellow with George Whitesides at Harvard University,在那里他发展了新的策略来控制电场的火焰。他在宾夕法尼亚州立大学化学工程系开始了自己的独立职业生涯。2016,博士。毕晓普搬到哥伦比亚大学,where he is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering.博士。Bishop获得了3M非终身教师奖和NSF职业奖。他的研究试图发现,理解,and apply new strategies for organizing and directing colloidal matter through self-assembly and self-organization far-from-equilibrium.

阅读Bishop博士题为Measurement and mitigation of free convection in microfluidic gradient generators'并在下面的采访中了解更多关于他的信息:

Your recent Emerging Investigator Series paper focuses on the measurement and mitigation of free convection in microfluidic gradient generators.你的研究是如何从你的第一篇文章发展到最近的这篇文章的?

我们的第一篇文章Lab on a Chip重点是利用电位梯度在微流体系统中进行能量输送和分离。在这里,we examine how chemical gradients can drive fluid flows as well as motions of colloidal particles,lipid vesicles,还有活细胞。这些主题与我们对利用和指导热力学梯度在小尺度上执行动态函数的持续兴趣有关。


目前,我们对胶体“机器人”的追求让我们兴奋不已,这些机器人在空间和时间上自发地组织起来执行有用的功能,which can be rationally encoded within active soft matter.




保持专注。The world is filled with many micro-mysteries that may pique your curiosity,but time is limited.Picking problems and following through on their solution is an ever-present challenge.


Our group regularly attends the年会以及美国化学学会胶体与表面科学研讨会新利手机客户端.

How do you spend your spare time?

Exploring New York City with my family and thinking about 新利手机客户端science.





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博士。Scott Tsaiis an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at加拿大瑞尔森大学,和一个附属科学家圣李嘉诚知识学院。迈克尔医院.他在多伦多大学获得了机械工程学士学位(2007年)。以及他在哈佛大学(Harvard University)获得的工程科学硕士(2009年)和博士(2012年)学位新利手机客户端。After a brief NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Toronto,博士。蔡英文于2012年底加入瑞森大学。He leads the菲尔德实验室,流,和接口(loffi),该公司目前正在开发创新的微流体方法,以在各种生物医学应用中生成和使用水滴和微泡中的水。博士。蔡英文是美国富布赖特访问研究主席奖(2018年)的获得者,安大略省早期职业研究员奖(2016年)加拿大机械工程学会。W.Smith Award (2015),以及赖森大学院长的教学奖(2015年)。

读博士蔡英文的新研究者系列文章”Microfluidic diamagnetic water-in-water droplets: a biocompatible cell encapsulation and manipulation platform“并在下面的采访中了解更多关于他的信息:


My group's research is contributing to the exciting and emerging theme of all-aqueous and biocompatible water-in-water droplet microfluidics,which was started just a few years ago.跟随他人的开拓工作,例如,香港大学(anderson shum)we demonstrated that pulsating inlet pressures could be used to break-up all-aqueous threads into water-in-water droplets (Moon等。,Lab on a Chip,2015)。We subsequently simplified the approach by using weak hydrostatic pressure to passively create the water-in-water droplets (Moon等。,分析化学新利手机客户端,2016)它启用了其他应用程序,如细胞包封和释放(MOON等。,Lab on a Chip,2016)皮克林式稳定(阿巴斯等。,Langmuir,2018)反磁性操纵,as described in this paper.我真的很高兴看到,在未来的几年里,有什么其他的工具可以利用水滴微流体中的水。



在你看来,what do you think is the future of droplet encapsulation technologies for single cell analysis?



我发现最具挑战性的方面与选择正确的问题有关。Water-in-water droplet microfluidics is emerging and there are many possibilities for research in this area.However,我们的资源有限,如时间和资金,所以我们必须有选择地解决哪些问题,试着挑选那些我们认为对推进这一领域影响最大的。


我总是喜欢在American Physics Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD) meeting.我也是Ontario on a Chip研讨会,which was sponsored byLab on a Chip今年。I was the co-host with Edmond Young and Milicia Radisic (both from the University of Toronto) ofOntario on a Chip几年来,我的整个团队每年都参加研讨会。The keynote talks by international leaders in our field draws many attendees,but I am also always amazed by the quality of the student presentations.

How do you spend your spare time?

These days,我的业余时间主要是和我年轻的家人在一起,我的妻子Edlyn,还有我的两个女儿,Abigail (4) and Chloe (1).I also do some volunteer work for my church.此外,作为一个狂热的自行车手,周末我喜欢山地自行车,and road biking for my commute to work,and for charity rides for exampleRide for Heart.有趣的是,I also bike commute sometimes with myOntario on a Chip共同宿主和LOC新任研究员埃德蒙杨–所以也许骑自行车有助于成为一个好的调查员!


在我的生活中,这似乎在不同的地方发生了变化。(如果你在我十几岁的时候问过我这个问题,我可能会说我想成为一名职业篮球运动员。)现在,我想如果我不是一个科学家,我可能是一个自行车修理工。Indeed,如果我从科学界退休,新利手机客户端I might actually attempt to get a job as a mechanic at my local bike shop.


Find a mentor that is well-established,愿意帮助你,了解学术界的错综复杂,funding,以及科学事业的其他方面。新利手机客户端我很幸运,从我的独立研究生涯开始,就从我的一个合作者那里得到了这种指导。I regard this mentorship as probably the most important factor that has helped me advance in my career.

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Emerging Investigator Series: Yi-Chin Toh

Dr Yi-Chin Toh2001年和2008年分别获得新加坡国立大学化学工程学士学位和生物工程博士学位。She did her post-doctoral training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2008 before joining the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology,A*STAR as a research scientist in 2010.自2014年以来,she is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering,National University of Singapore.  Yi-Chin's research interest is in engineering multi-tissue in vitro models to mimic complex biological interactions during human development and diseases,并将其转化为可扩展的疾病建模和药物测试应用平台。Toh博士获得新加坡国立大学研究奖学金,一份星级研究生奖学金和一份星级国际奖学金。

阅读她的新研究者系列文章 A liver-immune coculture array for predicting systemic drug-induced skin sensitization"在下面的视频采访中了解更多关于她的信息:

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Emerging Investigator Series: Weiqiang Chen

博士。陈伟强is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at New York University.He received his B.S.2005年毕业于南京大学物理系,获硕士学位。2008年毕业于上海交通大学,2009年毕业于普渡大学。都是电气工程。He earned his Ph.D.degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2014.  He is the receipt of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Trailblazer Award,美国心脏协会科学家发展奖纽约大学怀特黑德奖学金,2013年巴克斯特青年调查员奖,the University of Michigan Richard F.& Eleanor A.Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research,以及Proquest杰出论文奖。博士。Chen's research interests focus on Lab-on-a-Chip,生物材料,机械生物学,干细胞生物学,caner biology,and immune engineering.

阅读他的最新研究者系列文章An integrated adipose-tissue-on-chip nanoplasmonic biosensing platform for investigating obesity-associated inflammationand read more about him in the interview below:


We have previously been interested in developing microfluidic biosensing systems for immune cell cytokine detections.Quantitative measurements of the cytokine-producing capacity of different immune cells are critically important for characterizing the immune cell functions and defining the "immune phenotypes" of patients for clinical diagnosis and interventions.虽然许多先进的生物传感技术已被用于细胞因子分析,there are no clinically available methods that integrate high-resolution immune cell monitoring and multiplexed cytokine detection together in its native tissue microenvironment, which is a big hurdle to understand the cellular immunophenotype behaviors during disease progression.这启发我们考虑将最近文章中报道的无标签纳米等离子体生物传感器与芯片上脂肪组织系统相结合,定量描述复杂仿生脂肪组织微环境中与肥胖相关的动态细胞因子分泌行为。



在你看来,what do you think the contribution of disease-on-a-chip models for personalised medicine is likely to be?

传统医学,主要依靠动物模型治疗试验,有很多局限性。这是因为传统的动物模型不能准确地模拟人类病理生理学。或者,芯片平台可以模拟人体病理组织理想的微环境。which enables a more accurate way to test the medicine activity under molecular- and cellular-scale in human organ tissue in vitro.尤其,细胞免疫表型行为与组织微环境高度相关。integrating in situ cellular and molecular immune profiling in an organotypic setting can provide a reliable and accurate screening to characterize cell functions in its native tumor microenvironment. More importantly,由于人类个体之间的异质性,even for patients who are diagnosed with the same disease,their response to a same medicine treatment can be diversified.最小微流体疾病芯片模型可从特定患者的细胞或移植的病理生理组织中获得。允许以个性化方式并行筛选多个医疗治疗。Therefore,这项技术将提供最有效的方法来识别最有效的个性化医疗选择,然后再应用于患者自身。


The most challenging part about our research is to accelerate translational technologies from the benchtop to the clinic to make a real impact on patients.一系列的障碍,包括基础研究人员和临床研究人员的文化差异,difficulty in developing and sustaining interdisciplinary collaborations,inadequate training and knowledge in medical 新利手机客户端sciences,缺乏资金,resources,或基础设施,限制了基础生物工程研究人员的机会,包括我自己,to conduct translational research.Therefore,my lab has established strong collaboration with many clinical colleagues at NYU Langone Health.他们的专业知识将对我们的生物学和临床研究做出最重要的贡献。通过这个,我相信我们的工程方法可以为转化临床研究带来真正的影响。


我们将在即将召开的生物医学工程学会(BMES)年会和化学与生命科学小型化系统国际会议(μtas 2018)上介绍我们的研究。新利手机客户端新利手机客户端

How do you spend your spare time?





我可以建议你耐心地测试你的新想法。总是需要一些时间,normally years,对于一个科学家来说,证明一个新的科学思想,并把它发展成实用的方法或解决方案。

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