
The Scientific Committee and Chair selected the top four posters presented at #RSCAnalyticalPoster to be awarded poster prizes.Here the winners tell us a little bit more about their research…

上个月之后分析科学推特海报会议新利手机客户端we are delighted to introduce the poster prize winners in this blog post.The event was a great success,featuring work from across the analytical 新利手机客户端sciences,submitted from all over the world.会议期间共展示了约80张海报,以及一些视频.约有380人参加,提问和分享想法,with Tweets from Europe,美国加拿大South America,Africa,亚洲和澳大利亚。科学很好新利手机客户端,subjects presented included diagnosing diseases using nanotechnology,detecting 3研发用高效液相色谱法手动吸烟,analysing latent fingerprints and microbial metabolomics among many others.

我们要对所有参加这次活动的人说一声非常感谢的话,in particular the Chair and Scientific Committee for dedicating their time and efforts and making the event such a success!

Chair and Organisers,Matt Baker斯特拉斯克莱德大学英国@新利手机客户端ChemistryBaker,Royal Society of 新利手机客户端Chemistry Analyst分析分析器,分析方法@ MethodsRSCand JAASJasasNeWaS.Scientific Committee,卡斯滕·恩格哈德,Universität Siegen@EngelhrC,Craig Banks,曼彻斯特都市大学@Act_mmu,Damien Arrigan,Curtin University@arri_aus,让马森,蒙特利尔大学@Masson_chem,Karen Faulds,斯特拉斯克莱德大学@FauldsKaren,Martin Resano,University of Zaragoza@ MartinResano,Nick StoneUniversity of Exeter普罗尼克斯通,Perdita Barran曼彻斯特大学@ PerditaB,雷切尔·伯克斯,Doane College@ DrRubidium,Renee JiJi密苏里大学雷尼吉吉,Richard Dluhy,乔治亚大学拉德鲁伊,Roy Goodacre曼彻斯特大学@RoyGoodacre




@ RichardsSJ


My PhD research has focussed on the neutralisation and detection of bacteria and toxins.I am particularly interested in the development of rapid,免费和便宜的诊断,特别是低资源环境的方法,such as in less-developed countries.我们使用碳水化合物功能化金纳米粒子作为检测细菌和毒素的比色法测试,并优化了颗粒设计,使该方法在生物相关(生理盐水)条件下快速读数。We have also shown that this method is compatible with a simple mobile phone camera set up,不需要分光计,making the system preferable for use in low resource and low expertise environments.

In the future,I aspire to develop these diagnostic methods into kit-type formats in order to facilitate their use by untrained operators.我也有兴趣开发一种基于纸张的侧流检测毒素,这将通过显著降低成本,进一步提高系统在低资源环境中的生存能力。Having just finished by PhD studies,我正在探索开展博士后研究的选择,为了将来成立我自己的研究小组。



@ ZJAyres


我很高兴被选为#rscanalyticalposter竞争,这对我来说是一个很好的机会,可以让我的研究向更广泛的读者开放。Work involves the development of novel diamond-based electrochemical sensors,利用独立式掺硼金刚石(BDD)薄膜的材料和电化学性能,including chemical and mechanical inertness,large solvent window,低背景电流和加工成任何几何电极的能力。Focus is currently on the development of Electrochemical-X-ray Fluorescence (EC-XRF),为了最终在现场检测痕量重金属,在湖边或河边。Here the BDD functions as both an electrode,将溶液中的金属预浓缩到电极表面和X射线窗口上,to enable unambigious chemical identification of the metals on the surface and quantification by XRF.我的研究目标是开发用于实际应用的基于金刚石的传感器,虽然我的职业计划是留在分析化学,在那里我愿意参与新的分析技术的研发。新利手机客户端

I would like to take the opportunity to thank my supervisor Professor Julie Macpherson and Diamond colleagues in theWarwick Electro新利手机客户端chemistry and Interfaces group,以及Element Six用于本项目中使用的BDD X射线窗口电极的生长。谢谢你也去EPSRC以及资助我的博士项目的要素6(EPSRC案例奖EP/L505110/1)。




Poster: Illuminating the Future of Cancer Diagnosis via Serum ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy

James是一名化学博新利手机客户端士候选人,他正与临床合作伙伴合作开发用于癌症诊断的快速光谱方法。Royal Preston NHS Foundation TrustNHS基金会沃尔顿中心supported by脑肿瘤西北and the悉尼德里斯科尔神经科学基金会新利手机客户端.他的研究工作建立了一种强有力的、高度可重复的诊断方法,利用患者血清和ATR-FTIR诊断具有高度敏感性和特异性的脑癌。詹姆斯最近开发了一种分层诊断方法,可以快速诊断癌症与非癌症,转移癌与organ confined,brain cancer severity and the organ of origin for metastatic disease.This work has resulted in 4 publications and 2 journal front covers.除了2014年分析化学与光谱学会联合会学生奖新利手机客户端,he has also been awarded Best Clinical Poster at the British Neuro-oncology Society Annual Meeting 2013 and awarded 2 prizes at the National Health Service (NHS) Research & Innovation Showcase 2013/14 at Royal Preston Hospital,英国。James' future goals include continuing research in the USA as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of biomedical spectroscopy.


Emily-Rose Billinge



在我攻读神经科学的本科期间,我对生物标志物的发现和测量非常着迷,新利手机客户端尤其是在进行外周测量分析神经系统时,在当前,很难诊断大脑疾病,侵入性测量具有很高的风险。这使我获得了博士学位,研究用于生物测定的新技术和方法的发展。为此,我锚定了一个捕获探测器,termed "aptamers",微珠和纳米珠。适体是DNA序列,能结合溶液中的特定靶点。通过将它们附着在珠子表面,可以使每个珠子在溶液中捕获目标蛋白。We then follow and measure this interaction using a nanopore technology allowing us to identify and quantify proteins in solution.The system we use is rapid and is highly portable so it is hoped that one day this could lead towards point-of-care testing in the field.

从这以后,我真的很想从事一个既涉及科学测量又涉及公众互动的职业。I also thoroughly enjoy writing and want to improve scientific representation so hopefully in the future I will be able to incorporate this into my future work.现在,however,I'm fairly happy to see where the world takes me with no fixed agenda and enjoy the journey.

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