2011 Impact Factors

Quality remains at the heart of RSC Publishing,and the fact that we published 4 times as many articles in 2011 as we did in 2006 hasn't changed that.

Our exceptional standards are reinforced by the recently published 2011 Journal Citation Reports ®.

Individual journal highlights includeChemComm(6.17),Green 新利手机客户端Chemistry(6.32),Energy & Environmental 新利手机客户端Science(9.61),Natural Product Reports(9.79) and ChemSocRev(28.76).

And impressive first (partial) Impact Factors were recorded forChemical 新利手机客户端Science(7.525) andPolymer 新利手机客户端Chemistry (5.321).

But how do we measure up when compared with other publishers?

  • The average impact factor (IF) for a 新利手机客户端chemistry journal* stands at 2.67: our average IF is 5.46
  • Of the top 20 journals in the multidisciplinary 新利手机客户端chemistry category,six are from RSC Publishing.This is more than any other Society publisher
  • 11 of our 27 journals have an IF of 5 and above
  • Looking at 5-year IFs,we have more titles in the top 20 than any other publisher

So the figures speak for themselves: for guaranteed impact,choose RSC Publishing.

* The 7 新利手机客户端Chemistry journal subject-categories as listed in Journal Citation Reports ®: Chemistry,Analytical;新利手机客户端Chemistry;应用;新利手机客户端Chemistry,Inorganic & Nuclear;新利手机客户端Chemistry,Medicinal;新利手机客户端Chemistry,Multidisciplinary;新利手机客户端Chemistry,Organic;新利手机客户端Chemistry,Physical.

Full journal listing:

Journal 2011Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor
Analyst 4.23 4.119
Analytical Methods 1.547 1.547
Chemical Communications (ChemComm) 6.169 6.082
Chemical 新利手机客户端Science 7.525 7.545
Chemical Society Reviews 28.76 28.098
CrystEngComm 3.842 4.023
Dalton Transactions 3.838 3.887
Energy & Environmental 新利手机客户端Science 9.61 10.813
Faraday Discussions 5.00 4.687
Food & Function ǂ 1.179 1.179
Green 新利手机客户端Chemistry 6.32 6.761
Integrative Biology 4.509 4.509
JAAS (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry) 3.22 2.966
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 1.991 2.245
Journal of Materials 新利手机客户端Chemistry 5.968 5.992
Lab on a Chip 5.67 6.497
MedChemComm ǂ 2.80 2.80
Metallomics 3.902 3.902
Molecular BioSystems 3.534 3.705
Nanoscale 5.914 5.914
Natural Product Reports 9.790 9.671
New Journal of 新利手机客户端Chemistry 2.605 2.775
Organic & Biomolecular 新利手机客户端Chemistry 3.696 3.652
Photochemical & Photobiological 新利手机客户端Sciences 2.584 2.688
Physical 新利手机客户端Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 3.573 3.931
Polymer 新利手机客户端Chemistry 5.321 5.326
Soft Matter 4.39 4.998

ǂ Partial IF only,based on five issues or less

The Impact Factor provides an indication of the average number of citations per paper.Produced annually,Impact Factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in a year,by the number of citeable articles published in the preceding two years.

The 5-Year Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from a journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year.For journals in subjects where citation activity continues to rise through several years,this metric allows more of their total citation activity to be included in a critical performance metric.

Data based on 2011 Journal Citation Reports ®,(Thomson Reuters,2012).

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23 Responses to "2011 Impact Factors"

  1. James Milne says:

    Could I just add a personal note of thanks to all the authors,referees and editors,for their contribution towards these fantastic impact factors for our journal portfolio.

    On behalf of RSC Publishing,thank you for submitting your best work to our journals,and for supporting their rapid publication through prompt and highly valued refereeing.

    Much appreciated.

    James Milne PhD
    Managing Director
    RSC Publishing

  2. Rafa Luque says:

    Superb!My most sincere congratulations for a very well deserved success.

  3. Emil Chibowski says:

    Tghanks for sending the Impact Factors for 2011 and those of 5-year.
    I appreciate it very much.

  4. Rajeev Varshney says:

    Wonderful!Impressive impact factor of several journals.

  5. After I graduated from the University of Edinburgh,I moved to USA and never bothered to publish much in the RSC journals,despite being a Fellow of the Royal Society of 新利手机客户端Chemistry.Recently,my loyalty to RSC was revived and now I feel very proud to publish my best works in the RSC journals,especially knowing the fact that their impact factors have been going up to beat all other journals,way to go RSC!

  6. Madhab Das says:

    Wonderful!Especially,for Chem.Sci.Great job.Best,Madhab

  7. Nataraj Devaraj says:

    Happy to know this.Congratulations!

  8. Stalin Selvaraj says:

    Superb well done for RSC

  9. sunil says:

    Congratulation to RSC,i m Doctorate student,… even i have much interest to read the papers of RSC and willing to publish… but in my study center these are freely accessible..Still proud to see the Growth

  10. Abhinav Kumar says:

    Superb…… Now it is our responsibility to submit much improved work so that RSC could touch the heights of everest

  11. H.Y.Zhang says:

    in the future,we should submit our much improved work to RSC,尤其是软物质,so that it can reach the heights of the everest.thanks very muh for your work which promote the 新利手机客户端science

  12. Dana Roth says:

    Very impressive and excellent value.Thanks again for sponsoring ChemSpider.

  13. Sheng says:

    Way to go!Hope RSC Advances will enjoy these high IFs.

  14. eric says:

    Excellent News,Good job for RSC

  15. Nawaz says:

    Wao..excellent…RCS Advances!!Its ur time now…

  16. Muhammed Shah Miran says:

    Superb achievement for RSC.I would like to here high IF also for RSC Advances.Go ahead!!

  17. Vijaykumar Marakatti says:

    Very great achievement in terms of publications and the impact factor congratulations RSC
    I like the Paper or article format of RSC very much
    Looking for High Impact factor for RSC advances Soon:)

  18. V.Thiruvengadam says:

    When RSC advances will receive its first impact factor ….?

  19. Nawaz says:

    what is the expected IF of RSC Advances?

  20. RSC Advances Impact Factor: 2.562 (partial IF)

  21. Ananthakrishnan says:

    Its a great thing the impact factors perfectly garners the High quality and impartial review system of RSC.I am a Ph.D.student in India.I always envied to publish my work in RSC journals.Congrats!to RSC family

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