
Today we interview a truly exceptional young PhD student,a true expert in various ancient arts (e.g.,origami and brewing beer),Flávio Venâncio Nakadi,博士生Universidade de São Paulo,在…的监督下工作Prof.博士。Márcia A.M.S.达维加.


Q: Who or what inspired you to become a scientist?

答:我相信我第一次说“我想成为一名科学家”时,我7岁。I was always curious about how everything works: from nature to technology.I used to watch a TV show called "Beakman's World",which showed many chemical and physical phenomena and explained them in an easy way that a child could "comprehend".它让我着迷!Later,我10岁的时候妈妈给了我一个化学试剂盒,新利手机客户端这是我职业生涯的第一步。

在分析化学课上,新利手机客户端after my first contact with equipment,in particular spectrometers,I knew that I would study in this area.我有机会和我的主管一起开始攻读硕士学位,Prof.博士。da Veiga with atomic absorption spectrometry and,since 2009,I am working in AAS.

Q: Why did you choose your research group/University and what factors influenced your choice?

A: The University of São Paulo is one of the best Universities in Latin America;因此,the choice was natural.However,我选择它是因为它位于我居住的城市。当我开始学习化学时,新利手机客户端I knew I made the right choice.Before working with atomic spectrometry,I tried electro新利手机客户端chemistry and inorganic chemistry.两个地区都很好,但它们不是我想要的。I realized what I wanted to do during analytical 新利手机客户端chemistry classes: to work with analytical instruments.Prof.博士。da Veiga was new in our department and the only researcher who worked with elemental analysis (AAS).I could work with her and see her laboratory and research group grow,and I am very grateful that I could share this experience with all of them.

Q: Can you explain a bit the purpose of your current research activities?

答:高分辨率连续体源分子吸收光谱法(HR-CS-MAS)是一种新的元素分析方法。用原子吸收光谱仪器监测双原子分子的吸光度来测定非金属元素,给这一领域带来了新的可能性。我主要研究了煤和柴油样品中碳分子硫的测定。the latter as direct analysis with Pd nanoparticles as chemical modifier.

弗特莫尔,a new methodology that I have developed in the lab of Prof.博士。Resano已经使用HR CS MAS进行了同位素分析。不同同位素的原子线之间总是有波长偏移,but it is generally too small for detection (less than 1 pm).However,双原子分子由于振动跃迁而表现出较大的同位素位移,足以被高分辨率光谱仪检测到。In this way,用HR-CS-MAS可以评价氯同位素为Al35Cl和Al37Cl。

Q: How is a typical day in your lab?

A:今天的第一个“实验”是咖啡酿造。I usually organize everything that I need one day after,因为我们有两个能容纳10个人的分光计。当我使用仪器时,我早上8点开始。and there is no limit to end: sometimes at 5 p.m.,有时晚上10点。我收集数据并在第二天进行处理。我们一般在下午12点左右吃午饭。and use our free time to talk about everything,mostly nonsense subjects.Occasionally,我负责维护分光计。Once in a month,我们与主管讨论我们的结果。

Q: What common activities are organized in your research group?

A:我们在实验室组织生日聚会,with junk food,soda,啤酒,还有一块蛋糕。每年有两次烧烤:在年底和我们的主管生日。当有人发表论文时我们就出去,第一位作者决定庆祝活动将在哪里举行。In my case,总是一个酒吧。

Q: What app/programs do you typically use?

A: I usually write with Microsoft Word,although I also use LaTeX for some academic purposes.我喜欢使用Microsoft Excel进行数据评估和/或处理,but Origin is my main choice for plotting graphs and spectra.最后,但同样重要的是,我使用Microsoft PowerPoint进行演示。

Q: How do you search for scientific information?How do you manage your bibliography?

A:我在科学网搜索,新利手机客户端Scopus,新利手机客户端科学指导,and Google Scholar.有时我会直接在期刊网站上查找,比如jaas。I prefer to organize my bibliography in my computer folders,although I am beginning to use Mendeley to help me.

问:你对日本航空公司有什么看法?Which type of articles do you prefer?你错过了一些内容吗?

A:我跟医生学过。达维加认为JAAS是我们在原子光谱法上发表的第一个选择。我总能找到关于这个领域的有趣论文,其中我最喜欢的是原子吸收光谱和电感耦合等离子体技术。我很喜欢JAAS的评论,which are complete and straightforward to the subject.


A: I love working with analytical equipment and understanding their components.我想知道他们真正能做什么,探索所有的可能性。这很有趣,因为我们通常没有所需的所有工具;因此,这个主题几乎是一个选择!我喜欢我的研究小组,在这里我可以谈论学术问题,也可以讲笑话。我相信良好的关系是推动这项研究向前发展的关键。最后,我喜欢有问题需要解决,因为我总是在修理它们的时候学到一些新东西。However,I do not like them when they appear at 7 p.m.I feel disappointed when I work with people that does not want to learn.

Q: What do you expect to be doing in 5 years time?

A: That is a difficult question!我通常不会想太多未来,因为这是不可预测的。一般来说,我更喜欢把注意力集中在现在的时间,然后我看看哪些门会打开。Although there are possibilities in large companies,我更喜欢学术研究。Therefore,我想成为一名大学研究员。

Q: What do you enjoy doing when you are not in the lab?

A:所有与啤酒有关的东西,从酿造到饮用。I have to learn much more about this beautiful and elegant beverage,因此,我总是试图读到它或与了解这门艺术的人交谈。折纸在我的爱好中有着特殊的地位,尽管我比平时更想练习。I also like videogames and TV shows.

当然,破坏了。Thanks a lot,我是维奥!

Have a look at Flávio recent articles in JAAS:


纳卡迪FV,M da Veiga,M Aramendía,阿鲁伊兹,M Resano

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,2015,预付款

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