
我们很高兴引起最近的关注分析师主题问题强调单细胞分析中的下一个波的进展,专注于新兴的代谢物,脂质,蛋白质组学和糖类方法 - 以及统一单细胞生物学和药物多个方面的高维方法。

This collection was put together by Guest Editors Takehiko Kitamori (University of Tokyo, Japan), Amy E. Herr (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Ulf Landegren (Uppsala University, Sweden) and Masood Kamali-Moghaddam (Uppsala University, Sweden), who worked hard to create this issue and ensure that its content was of the highest quality. AnEditorialby the Guest Editors prefaces the collection.


All papers in the collection are free to access until the end of May 2019 with anRSC发布账户.

We hope you enjoy reading the full collection. Take a look at a small selection of excellent articles featured in the collection below:

Critical Review
High throughput screening of complex biological samples with mass spectrometry – from bulk measurements to single cell analysis

Emily E. Kempa, Katherine A. Hollywood, Clive A. Smith and Perdita E. Barran



Advances in mass spectrometry based single-cell metabolomics

Kyle D. Duncan, Jonas Fyrestam and Ingela Lanekoff

Gel-based cell manipulation method for isolation and genotyping of single-adherent cells

Ryo Negishi, Reito Iwata, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, David Kisailus, Yoshiaki Maeda, Tadashi Matsunaga and Tomoko Yoshino

Dual cationic–anionic profiling of metabolites in a single identified cell in a live Xenopus laevis embryo by microprobe CE-ESI-MS

Erika p .土耳其宫廷ro and Peter Nemes


多才多艺的电化学方法新利手机客户端themed collection –Submit now

Bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicinethemed collection –Submit now

规范2018:国际临床光谱学会主题问题 -Read now

分析师新兴调查员SeriesApply now

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最多10位访问分析师文章 - 2019年第1季度

本月将以下文章分析师from the last 12 months that are in the top ten most read from January – March 2019.

所有的文章已经自由access until the end of May 2019. So, why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.


High throughput screening of complex biological samples with mass spectrometry – from bulk measurements to single cell analysis
Emily E. Kempa, Katherine A. Hollywood, Clive A. Smith and Perdita E. Barran
分析师, 2019,144., 872-891

A review of sorting, separation and isolation of cells and microbeads for biomedical applications: microfluidic approaches
Arash Dalili, Ehsan Samiei and Mina Hoorfar
分析师, 2019,144.,87-113

Microfluidic bioanalytical flow cells for biofilm studies: a review
Mohammad Pousti, Mir Pouyan Zarabadi, Mehran Abbaszadeh Amirdehi, François Paquet-Mercier and Jesse Greener
分析师, 2019,144., 68-86

Review: a comprehensive summary of a decade development of the recombinase polymerase amplification
分析师, 2019,144.,31-67

分析师, 2019,144., 766-781
DOI:10.1039 / C8AN01186A

Advances in mass spectrometry based single-cell metabolomics
Kyle D. Duncan, Jonas Fyrestam and Ingela Lanekoff
分析师, 2019,144., 782-793


Next wave advances in single-cell analyses
Amy E. Herr, Takehiko Kitamori, Ulf Landegren and Masood Kamali-Moghaddam
分析师, 2019,144.,735-737
DOI:10.1039 / C90011J.


Merging metabolomics and lipidomics into one analytical run
Michaela Schwaiger, Harald Schoeny, Yasin El Abiead, Gerrit Hermann, Evelyn Rampler and Gunda Koellensperger
分析师, 2019,144., 220-229

Reporter bacteriophage T7NLC utilizes a novel NanoLuc::CBM fusion for the ultrasensitive detection ofEscherichia coliin water
T. C. Hinkley, S. Garing, S. Singh, A-L. M. Le Ny, K. P. Nichols, J. E. Peters,J. N. Talbert and S. R. Nugen
分析师,2018年,143., 4074-4082

Evelyn Rampler, Harald Schoeny, Bernd M. Mitic, Yasin El Abiead, Michaela Schwaiger and Gunda Koellensperger

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Outstanding Reviewers for Analyst in 2018

We would like to highlight the Outstanding Reviewers for分析师in 2018, as selected by the editorial team, for their significant contribution to the journal. The reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness and quality of the reports completed over the last 12 months.

We would like to say a big thank you to those individuals listed here as well as to all of the reviewers that have supported the journal. Each Outstanding Reviewer will receive a certificate to give recognition for their significant contribution.

Dr Hugh Byrne, Focas Institute, Dublin Institute of TechnologyOrcid:0000-0002-1735-8610

Professor Lingxin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone ResearchOrcid:0000-0002-3764-3515

伊利诺伊州州立大学杰里米·德里斯凯教授ORCiD: 0000-0001-5082-898X

宁波大学宁甘教授ORCiD: 0000-0001-9772-2437

Professor Hideaki Hisamoto, Osaka Prefecture UniversityORCiD: 0000-0003-1067-4116

Professor Young-Pil Kim, Hanyang UniversityOrcid:0000-0001-7234-1320

青岛农业大学冯立教授ORCiD: 0000-0002-3894-6139

Professor Yi-Tao Long, East China University of Science and TechnologyORCiD: 0000-0003-2571-7457

俄亥俄州州立大学Zachary Schultz教授ORCiD: 0000-0003-1741-8801

Dr Bhavya Sharma, University of TennesseeORCiD: 0000-0003-4388-5702

Dr Muhammad Shiddiky, Griffith UniversityORCiD: 0000-0003-4526-4109

詹姆斯博士,陶氏化学ORCiD: 0000-0002-9740-1905

We would also like to thank the分析师董事会和分析化学群落继续支持本期刊,作为作者,审稿新利手机客户端人和读者。

If you would like to become a reviewer for our journal, justemail uswith details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé. You can find more details inour author and reviewer resource centre

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多功能电化学方法 - 主题集合正在进行中!

分析师has launched a themed collection focusing on versatile electrochemical approaches for sensing, biology, and energy.

Solving pressing challenges in these fields requires the development of enabling tools and strategies that converge in fundamental concepts of analysis to address materials properties and charge transfer. In this collection, we aim to cover the broad range of cutting-edge electrochemical approaches being explored for the detection of analytes and the understanding of processes relevant to energy and biological systems. These approaches encompass nanoscale electrochemistry, rational electrode design, biomolecular analysis, and interface-sensitive methods. Accordingly, this collection will feature new electroanalytical strategies in characterising energy storage and energy harvesting systems, in biomedical diagnostics, and in measurement and imaging sciences.

Joaquin Rodriguez Lopez

Damien Arrigan.

Guest Editors

此集合是由Co-Guest编辑的分析师副编辑教授Damien Arrigan(澳大利亚Curtin University)和JoaquínRodríguezLópez(Urbana-Champaign,USA的伊利诺伊大学副教授)。

Submission deadline:30th September 2019


We welcome submissions of original research and review articles. Articles will be added to the collection as they are accepted and the resulting issue will benefit from extensive promotion.



Interested in contributing?


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Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

The organising committee is especially interested in featuring the work from PhD research students and other early-career researchers. A confirmed keynote speaker is Prof. Andrea Russell from the University of Southampton, UK and Prof. Huijun Zhao from Griffith University, Australia.

Organising Committee

  • Prof. Anthony O’Mullane (QUT)
  • Dr. Muhammad Shiddiky (Griffith)
  • Dr. Yang Liu (JCU)
  • Ruth Knibbe博士(UQ)
  • Dr. Debbie Silvester-Dean (Curtin)
  • Prof. Damien Arrigan (Curtin)
  • 川钊教授(UNSW)
  • Ummul Sultana (QUT)

Important dates:

  • 8 February 2019: Deadline for abstract submission
  • 2019年4月15日:提前鸟登记截止日期
  • 29 April 2019: Symposium

When:29 -30 April 2019



Anthony O’Mullane


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非成员 $350 400美元
Student members* 150美元 $200
学生非成员 $200 250美元
*RACI or ISE Members
**Early-bird rates: Before 15 April 2019

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The第一欧洲自上而下的蛋白质组学研讨会正在发生12日 - 14岁的Febraury,2019, inParis,France.

The symposium will focus on自上而下的蛋白质组学, the analysis of intact proteins and protein complexes using high-resolution mass spectrometry.

In this symposium, world-leading experts in top-down proteomics will present the most advanced technologies and approaches. A wide range of topics will be covered including the latest developments in instrumentation, sample preparation both in denaturing and native conditions, intact protein fractionation/separation, data analysis as well as applications in life sciences and human health.

Additionally, attendees will be encourage to take part in discussions on the future directions, challenges, and opportunities for top-down proteomics. In addition to notable scientists, the meeting will also attract younger researchers who are building their careers and are looking to interact with leaders in the field.


Rodolphe Dr Antoine, University of Lyon, France
阿兰博士贝克, Laboratoires Pierre Fabre, France
Pr Isabelle Fournier, 法国里尔大学
Pr Albert Heck, 乌特勒德大学,荷兰
Pr Amy Herr, 加利福尼亚大学,伯克利,美国
jensen, 丹麦南丹麦大学
Pr Neil Kelleher, 美国西北大学
Pr Alexander Makarov, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany
Pr Dame Carol Robinson, 牛津大学,英国
Pr Michal Sharon, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Yuri Van der Burgt博士, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Pr Vicki Wysocki, Ohio State University, USA


Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic博士,Pacific Northwest, National Laboratory, USA
Dr Ying Ge,University of Wisconsin, USA
Yury Tsybin博士,Spectroswiss, Switzerland
Dr Jeffrey Agar,美国东北大学
Future directions of top-down proteomics
Pr Neil Kelleher,美国西北大学
PR Joseph Loo,University of California Los Angeles, USA
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新兴调查员系列 - 阿什利罗斯


阿什利罗斯is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati (UC) and a member of the Neuroscience Department and Center for Pediatric Neuroscience. She received her BS in Chemistry in 2009 at Christopher Newport University and was an undergraduate intern at NASA Langley Research Center for 3 years working with Drs. Margaret Pippin and Gao Chen. She received a PhD in Chemistry in Dr. Jill Venton’s lab at the University of Virginia in 2014. In 2014, she became a post-doc in Dr. Rebecca Pompano’s lab at the University of Virginia and was an American Association of Immunologists (AAI) Careers in Immunology Fellow. Since 2017, she has been at UC working on developing electrochemical and microfluidic tools to investigate neurochemical regulated immunity.

Read Ashley’s Emerging Investigator Series paper “Subsecond detection of guanosine using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry“在以下采访中了解更多关于她的信息:

Your recent Emerging Investigator Series paper focuses on subsecond detection of guanosine using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. How has your research evolved from your first article to this most recent article?
Over the last 10 years, I have focused on developing bioanalytical tools to study complex chemical signaling. My early work in graduate school focused on developing electrochemical tools to study the other important purine, adenosine. Specifically, I developed a new electrode modification procedure which combined carbon nanotubes and Nafion to enhance adenosine detection and I developed a new waveform for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. My research soon evolved from developing novel tools to studying the release and function of rapid adenosine signaling in the brain. I switched gears quite a bit during my post-doc, where I focused on developing microfluidic tools to locally stimulate live lymph node slices to study the importance of the spatial complexity of the immune system and to quantitate cytokine diffusion within live tissue. My current research interests are focused on developing tools to study communication between the brain and the immune system. This particular paper went back to my roots a bit. We are really interested in guanosine signaling because of its rich involvement in neuroinflammatory processes; however, detecting millisecond changes in guanosine signaling in real-time is not possible with current technology. With FSCV, we are able to explore that rapid mode of signaling.

What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment?
I am very excited about the possibility of using FSCV to study brain-immune communication. How the brain and not only its immune system but the peripheral immune system communicates is not well understood, in part due to current technology. We are excited about all the new tools we are developing in the lab to help solve this technological barrier.

Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry has excellent temporal and spatial resolution. With this technique, we can make measurements every 100 ms within discrete regions of the brain! Because we get a cyclic voltammogram, we are able to help distinguish what we are measuring. In the case of guanosine, a rapid extracellular signaling profile exists but the current techniques in the field to study guanosine signaling do not have the temporal resolution to capture it. With FSCV, we are hoping we can learn some interesting things about guanosine signaling in the brain!


I am a mother of two beautiful children, 6 year old Haylee and 3 year old Elijah. My husband Ronnie and I definitely spend most of our spare time with them. My daughter is in ballet, so chauffeuring her around to ballet practice and rehearsals is fun! I also enjoy singing in my spare time. I have been singing and performing since high school so it is definitely a nice “outlet” from work!

I have always loved to perform whether it be in singing groups or in musicals, so probably a performer! But more realistically, maybe a paediatrician!

Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?
I was given this advice and I think it is so valuable: In the early years, be in the lab with your students! When you are starting out, you are the expert and can help not only set the example in the lab but it helps foster a productive environment early on.

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SciX 2018, Atlanta, USA

SciX 2018, a conference featuring cutting edge developments in analytical sciences, instrumentation and unique applications, was held in Altanta, GA from October 21-26, 2018.


The分析师新兴调查员Lectureship 2018认识到早期职业分析科学家将分析科学的概况提升到更广泛的科学界和公众。新利手机客户端今年的胜利者是美国哥伦比亚大学魏敏博士。他目前的研究兴趣重点是开发新型光学光谱和显微镜技术,以解决生物医学问题。特别是,他的小组对刺激的拉曼散射(SRS)显微镜的发展以及其在生物医学成像中的广泛应用具有重要贡献,包括小分子的生物正交化学成像和超多重振动成像。

Wei Min提出了他的分析师新兴调查员讲座


Wei gave a fascinating presentation during the Monday morning session, which was followed by a highly attended symposium of personally hand-picked speakers.

演讲人:Juergen Popp,Duncan Graham,Richard Zare,Wei Min,Lingyan Shi,Katsumasa Fujita。


它还让我们很高兴地宣布分析方法Associate Editor Michael Roper and former分析方法Editor-in-Chief Sue Lunte both received awards at SciX 2018.

Michael Roper was the recipient of theAes中职业奖. After being presented with his award, Michael delivered a plenary lecture titled “Electrophoretic Methods for Investigating Dynamic Behaviour of Pancreatic Cells”.

分析方法Associate Editor Michael Roper (L) receives the AES Mid-Career Award.

TheAnachem奖was awarded to Sue Lunte, who delivered her plenary lecture “Adventures in Electrically Driven Miniaturized Separations Systems for Bioanalysis” on Thursday 25th October.

ANALYTICAL方法是前任主编SUE Lunte(R)被达娜州教授颁发的Anachem奖。


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生物分析工具用于启用精密医学主题集合 - 提交截止日期延长!


The emphasis of this themed issue is on bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine. The field of healthcare continues to move from the inefficient, one-size-fits-all-patients medicine of today, toward the data-driven and personalised medicine of tomorrow. According to the Precision Medicine Initiative led by the National Institutes of Health, precision medicine is “an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person”. In cancer, precision medicine uses specific information about the patient and their tumour to help diagnose, plan treatment, determine optimal drug levels, monitor response to therapy, and/or assess likely disease recurrence.

In this collection we aim to cover bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine, including imaging, spectroscopy, machine learning and miniaturised technologies on both solid tumours and liquid biopsy samples. The focus of this collection is not limited to cancer but is relevant to other diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes and infectious diseases.

Guest Editors

此集合是由Co-Guest编辑的分析师Advisory Board memberProfessor Steven Soper(堪萨斯大学,劳伦斯,美国)和Professor Andrew Godwin(Director, Molecular Oncology, The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA).

Professor Steven Soper

Professor Andrew Godwin


30th June 2019


We welcome submissions of original research and review articles. Articles will be added to the collection as they are accepted and the resulting issue will benefit from extensive promotion.


由主编邓肯格雷厄姆和国际团队的指导associate editors and editorial board members,分析师发布分析和生物分析研究,报告总理基本发现和发明,以及这些发现的应用,由传统纪律壁障碍无限制。

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Heinrich Emanuel Merck.Award for Analytical Science 2019

在纪念公司的创始人Heinrich Emanuel Merck.,the默克奖在二十年内庆祝了分析化学的卓越。新利手机客户端对于45岁的研究人员来说,该研究人员正在开发用于生命,材料和环境科学的分析问题的解决方案。新利手机客户端这一奖项荣誉科学家在化学中开发了创新的分析方法,其新应用程序旨在改善人类生活。新利手机客户端

The prize will be awarded for the 17th time at a special award ceremony at theEuroanalysis2019在伊斯坦布尔,土耳其从2019年9月1日 - 5日起。

The judging panel will be chaired by Professor Renato Zenobi (ETH Zürich) and supported by 5 intentionally renowned analytical scientists.


Renato Zenobi教授
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
HCI E 329
CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland

Further details

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